
Most piano lessons last an hour, wherever they are taught.? However, many parents invest much more time for each lesson.? Sadly, while they waste their time, their children are being cheated out of valuable teaching time.

Parental Investment – How much is your time worth?? Adrian Garza and his?Klavier Institute offers lessons in your home, so with the exception of answering the door, you are not required to spend any time on the lesson.? During the lesson, you can help your other kids with their homework, spend time in your home office, cook a meal, chat on the phone, work on a craft project – you can do anything that you’d like to have just a little more time to do.? What’s more, you have the opportunity to observe your child’s progress and their relationship with the teacher with no effort, without interrupting the flow of the lesson and without distracting your child.? The lesson in your home makes for easy sharing of information with the teacher.? Compare that with lessons at a teacher’s home or studio.? You must stop whatever you are doing to get your child ready to go to the lesson and perhaps other children, including babies, who will also come along.? You must load everyone up, drive to the lesson location and drop off the student.? Then you must either drive home, to turn around and do it all again, or your may choose to run some errands while you are out.? But in a busy city like Plano, traffic and congestion complicate the simplest of tasks.??Timing your errands to fit into the lesson is almost impossible.? That leaves you arriving late to pick up your child or sitting out in front of the lesson location waiting for your child to finish – and then there is the drive home.? On the way home, the child may or may not deliver a message or note intended for you and you may or may not remember it when you get home.? Once all the kids are delivered home and engaged in completely their homework, will you even remember what you were doing before it was time to go to the lesson?? If this sounds problematic, consider the juggling act of having more than one child taking lessons!

Student Distraction Because Klavier Institute offers lessons in your home, students will be better prepared to begin their lesson, be less distracted during the lesson and are faced with fewer opportunities to fail.? Fewer challenges create a better attitude about lessons and cause the child to enjoy them more, which impacts whether they will want to continue to take lessons.?When a child must leave their home, the lesson becomes an interruption.? Instead of being able to keep their lesson materials where they are normally used, the student must gather up everything, pack it up and take it with them to the lesson.? Then the process must be reversed when they come home.? If important items are left at home, it can seriously hamper the effectiveness of the lesson.? Once the student returns home, some music might not even make it out of the backpack, putting the child even further behind.? Along with the anxiety associated with handling their lesson materials, the child must also endure the distraction of the commute.? While some days the drive might be uneventful, many things can occur which can completely derail the child,?impact their ability to learn.? Will traffic threaten to make them late, causing unnecessary stress?? Will they see an accident which will upset them?? Will something they see cause them to regret having a lesson at all – a carnival at the mall, a store where they want to buy something, a friend’s street where they’d like to go play?? Perhaps they’ll need to pass their school where they had some difficulties earlier in a day.? While children demonstrate resiliency in the long term, what should be a momentary distraction on the way to class could render a lesson completely without value.? Even after an easy commute, when the lessons occurs outside the home, time must be spent organizing the materials for the lesson and directing the child’s attention from other things and back on the lesson.? Throughout the lesson, it is not unusual for a child to fret about being away from a parent or for them to be anxious about their parent returning or completing the lesson on time.

Teacher Distraction -?When Adrian Garza arrives for a lesson, he is completely devoted to teaching your child.? ?In a teacher’s home or studio deliveries come, phones ring, repairmen arrive, clients show up unannounced or at the wrong time, previous students wait for late parents, another student shows up early – any number of things can and do happen during a lesson which will take the teacher’s attention away from your child.? If it is in the teacher’s home, they may have their own children to tend to, dinner on the stove or pets to discipline.??While any of these interruptions can distract the teacher from giving your child their complete attention, they will also most certainly distract your child from what they should be learning.??

CALL 972-377-0561 or EMAIL KLAVIERINSTITUTE@GMAIL.COM to start lessons in your home for your child.